Avantages affinity insurance contracts


Design of tailored and evolutive contracts : flexibility and creativity !

design Avantages affinity insurance contracts

Since it was founded, Avantages positioned itself on creating custom-made contracts which complete existing insurance offer with unique affinity insurance guarantees.

Analysing its partners’ needs, Avantages designs upon their request specific contracts with insurance guarantees in line with their target, fairly priced, and answering to their clients’ needs concerning post-damage services.

Avantages contracts complete and enhance its partners’ offer, provide competitive advantages, enhance customer loyalty and increase their revenues.

White label solutions

Dedicated to major accounts (car manufacturers, retailers, car rental, private health insurance, automotive finance companies, etc.), white label solutions are designed to fullfill the partners’ needs. They provide competitive advantages, enhance customer loyalty and increase their revenues. Commercialised as such or in a package of services or products (car purchase, insurance contract, credit card, real estate transactions, loyalty cards, car rental etc.).


  • Excess refund included in RCI Bank (Renault SA Group) car finance services
  • «Insurance premiums exoneration» contract distributed by Smam Courtage
  • Cancellation or interruption insurance guarantee dedicated to Energie Forme sport clubs

Avantages labelled solutions

Dedicated to customers of insurance intermediaries, car dealers and car rental companies: contracts such as Avantages plus, Avantages prestige, Avantages franchise +, Avantages performance, Avantages loyalty, etc.