3.1 - Excess refund
Accident, theft, fire, broken glass
In case of accident, theft, fire or broken glass : excess refund . The amount is the one stated on particular terms of the policyholder’s car insurance contract.
In case of total loss of the vehicle following a theft, fire or accident: refund of interests and administrative costs of the car financing scheme.
In case of total loss of the vehicle following a theft, fire or accident: conditioning expenses refund.
In case of total loss of the vehicle following a theft, fire or faultless accident with an identified third party : refund of maintenance and accessories expenses spent in the same car dealer for the last 12 months.
In case of total loss of the vehicle following a theft, fire or faultless accident with an identified third party : payment of a loyalty bonus (from 200 to 1.000 euros) if the policyholder purchases a new vehicle at the same dealer or subscribes a new credit at the same automotive finance company, etc.