Avantages affinity insurance contracts

Car rental companies

5.1 - Excess refund
Accident, theft, fire, broken glass

In case of accident, theft, fire or broken glass : excess refund . The amount is the one stated on particular terms of the policyholder’s car insurance contract.

5.2 - Operating loss indemnity
Accident, theft, fire, broken glass

In case of the immobilisation of the vehicle following theft, fire or accident : payment of a daily indemnity covering the lack of revenues of the client for the immobilisation period.

... but also, as examples, for other business sectors ...

Complementary health care providers - Financial support following a loss of income
Loss of income

In case of redundancy, long duration disease, or bankruptcy/insolvency: the health insurance contract premium due by the policyholder is paid for 12 months to the insurer.

Wholesale brokers - Financial support following a loss of income
Loss of income

In case of redundancy, long duration disease, or bankruptcy/insolvency : the electricity bills due by the policyholder are paid for 12 months, with a cap from 500 to 1.000 euros.