Avantages affinity insurance contracts

Public parkings

8.1 - « Theft/vandalism » excess refund and parking expenses refund
Theft, attempted theft, intrusion

In case of theft, attempted theft or vandalism of the covered vehicle in the parking : excess refund and parking costs refund. The excess amount is the one stated on particular terms of the policyholder’s car insurance contract.

8.2 - Refund of parking costs
Cessation of work

In case of cessation of work (more than 30 days) of the user following a disease or accident: prorata-temporis refund of the annual parking fee.

8.3 - Financial support following a loss of income
Loss of income

In case of redundancy, long duration disease, or bankruptcy/insolvency (impacting the user/client): prorata-temporis refund of the annual parking fee.

... but also, as examples, for other business sectors ...

Highways - Refund of the yearly subscription to the highway badge
Loss of income

In case of redundancy, long duration disease, or bankruptcy/insolvency (impacting the user/client): refund of the badge subscription fee .

Retailers - « Happy event » bonus
Birth of a child

In case of a new birth: allowance of 100 to 500 euros vouchers for any purchase related to the birth in the parnter’s stores.